
Over the years of its existence the CTS has been the venue for a delivery of important oral papers on the subject of texts and editing. Where the speakers have made the scripts of their talks available to us they are collected here. Use the links on the left to reach:

    1. Peter Robinson describing in 1998 the new digital approaches to the texts of Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales
    2. H. T. M. van Vilet giving a lecture at a CTS masterclass in 2005 on the differences between the European and Anglo-American approaches to textual scholarship
    3. Paul Eggert giving a lecture at a CTS masterclass in 2006 on the implications of critical editing
    4. John Jowett giving a keynote address to the CTS symposium on textual scholarship in 2007 on the editing of Shakespeare
    5. Nigel Wood, Gabriel Egan, Sukanta Chaudhuri, Abhijit Gupta, Paul Eggert, A. S. G. Edwards, Mark Bland and Peter Shillingsburg discussing the role of the print edition in the digital age at a CTS roundtable in 2007
    6. Peter Shillingsburg giving a keynote address to the CTS symposium on textual scholarship in 2008 on the use of computers in textual scholarship

Future speakers will be given strong inducements to let us have their scripts and it is hoped that this repository of papers will grow.